
Friends of the Domaine de Chantilly brings together individuals from around the world who are passionate about art, architecture, gardens, and more. We invite you to join this esteemed group and enjoy the many benefits that an annual membership has to offer.

Members are invited to attend special events in France and in the United States (and soon, beyond) that promote heightened awareness of Chantilly, its rich history, and its marvelous collections. Examples of past or recurring events include:

  • Exclusive collection viewings and behind-the-scenes tours at Chantilly
  • Lectures by world-renowned scholars
  • Festive receptions in private homes or historic sites
  • Official exhibition openings at Chantilly
  • Annual Gala Dinner (separate ticket purchase required)

Learn more about upcoming and past FODC events

Membership gifts start at $1,000 or 1,000€. As a member, you will not only receive in-depth access to outstanding artworks and
exciting cultural programs, but also make a valuable contribution for priority initiatives at Chantilly. Membership gifts help provide ongoing support for:

  • Exhibitions in the Gallery of Prints and Drawings
  • Restoration of rare books and manuscripts as well as furniture and decorative arts
  • Renovation of historic galleries in the Château
  • Cultural programs specially designed for members

Please join us today so we can continue our crucial work on behalf of Chantilly!


Tax deductions
Contributions are fully tax-deductible within the limits prescribed by U.S. law.

Payment by check
Please complete this membership form and mail it with your check (payable to "Friends of the Domaine de Chantilly") to:

Friends of the Domaine de Chantilly
1350 Avenue of the Americas, Fl. 2
New York, NY 10019

Payment by credit card or PayPal
Please complete the form below.
  • $0.00
Les avantages fiscaux
Pour les particuliers: réduction de 66% du montant du don effectué, dans la limite de 20% du revenu imposable.
Pour ceux qui sont soumis à l'impôt sur la fortune immobilière: réduction de 75% du montant du don effectué, dans la limite de 50 000€ par an.
Pour les entreprises: réduction de 60% du montant du don effectué, dans la limite de 0,5 % du chiffre d'affaires annuel.

Paiement par chèque
Merci d'envoyer votre chèque (à l'ordre du « Domaine de Chantilly ») avec ce formulaire d'adhésion à :

Domaine de Chantilly
Service mécénat
7 rue du Connétable
60500 Chantilly

Paiement par virement
Titulaire : Institut de France
Domiciliation : Société Générale Chantilly
IBAN : FR76 3000 3007 1200 0502 6055 327
Référence : Membre FODC
Payment by wire transfer or by credit card
Please complete this membership form and email to: